Currey, E. Hamilton - Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean (Non-Fiction/History) Very extensive documentation of the Muslim pirates of the Mediterranean during their heyday. Biographies of all the great and cruel (and usually paranoid) corsair leaders from the Barbary Coast, some of which rose from poorest beginnings to fabulous riches -- and became official admirals of the Turkish fleet and defenders of True Faith(TM) Corp.! Features also their arch-enemies, Admiral Andrea Doria of Genoa and the unrelenting, hardfighting Knights of Malta, also defenders True Faith(TM) Inc. and many other favorites! Explains the origin of Saracen piracy and how taking to the sea was the only option left to this people after the loss of the Moorish Kingdoms in Spain in the 15th Century. Land battles, spectacular sieges, massive naval battles, in which ten thousands of people perished, all for faith, commerce and domination of spheres of interest (hey, but that's just *so* like today, innit!). A brilliant and often overlooked historical background to politics and power structures in the Mediterranean during Renaissance. -- DJV.