Taken from Project Gutenberg, these are a series of chapters from "MEDIEVAL EUROPE" BY H. W. C. Davis, M.A. The chatper titles are: INTRODUCTION I THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE II THE BARBARIAN KINGDOMS III THE EMPIRE AND THE NEW MONARCHIES (800-1000 A.D.) IV FEUDALISM V THE PAPACY BEFORE GREGORY VII VI THE HILDEBRANDINE CHURCH VII THE MEDIEVAL STATE VIII THE EXPANSION OF EUROPE--THE CRUSADES IX THE FREE TOWNS Since this is plain text, I prefer to create books using Paperback. You can change the font settings as you like, making it easier to read with really large text if needed. There are no figures, but it's a Project Gutneberg book. It didn't COME with figures. Hope you enjoy it. The history is a bit superficial, but it's a fun read to learn the basics. - mikele mikele@newted.dyndns.org