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MCFE Software

Handheld computer software developed as part of the MCFE project. Development continues beyond the end of the project and these pages will be updated from time to time as new versions and subsequent applications become available.

More recent work can be found in the Kent UbiComp Group pages.


Stick-e suite for Palm Pilot

First release. Trialed in two ecological studies during the summer of 1997 and 1998 (see our fieldwork pages and publications in Personal Technologies and GPS World for more information on these field trials).

Online User Manual (first draft). 13th January 1999
Available for downloading:
User Manual (157kB Word 97 .doc in a 43kB .zip file) 13th January 1999
Current release (updated readme.txt file). A 100kB .zip file. 13th September 2000

FieldNote applications

FieldNote Desktop

The prototype FieldNote Desktop system developed using Tcl/Tk and descibed in some of our publications was simply a "proof of concept" system and will not be released. However, in order to support ongoing work, we are now developing an entirely Java based system intended for use on the desktop or as part of a "field server" when running on a laptop machine. This suite includes facilities for:

  1. FieldNote creation and editing,
  2. exchanging notes between handhelds and a database,
  3. mapping, and
  4. GPS post-processing.
Some preview images are available.

FieldNote for Newton

First partial release. Trialed in archaeological studies during the summer of 1997 and 1998 (see our fieldwork pages and publications for more information).

Development for this platform ceased at the end of the project. The source code snapshot is made available here without support or additional documentation under the terms of the GNU Public License.
On-line User Manual (a preliminary and incomplete draft). 30th Sept 1998
Available for downloading:
User Manual (1040kB Word 97 .doc in a 495kB .zip file) 30th Sept 1998
Current release. A 130kB .zip file containing the components listed below. Note that items in italics are not available in this release 2nd Oct 1998
Tracker Manager (23kB .pkg) 30th Sept 1998
GPS Trackers
NMEA Tracker (88kB .pkg) 26th Aug 1998
TSIP Tracker (117kB .pkg) 26th Aug 1998
GPS Tracker Simulator (87kB .pkg) 2nd Oct 1998
FieldNote Applications
TrackerButton for Notes (included in TrackerManager) 30th Sept 1998
Newt's Cape Forms
Photograph recording form 30th Aug 1998
Source code
Code snapshot at end of project (600kB .zip).

FieldNote: beyond the MCFE project

Based on experience with the Newton prototype, we have developed compatible software for the WindowsCE P/PC platform. Here, we used waba as our implementation language. Waba is not Java, but programs can be developed using Java desktop tools. "Waba is its own programming platform including a language, virtual machine, class file format and set of base classes." (from the waba FAQ).

This work was an unfunded spare-time activity begun after the end of the MCFE project.

FieldNote for WindowsCE

Preview images of FieldNote GPS Tracker running on a P/PC. The current version accepts only NMEA input. Future versions will also interpret Trimble TSIP and Candadian Marconi binary data packets, giving the ability to record raw data for subsequent post-processing.

Map display showing track record and location of recorded FieldNotes. Note icons with a "T" symbol are those that have been triggered by proximity and relevance to the user's "required context".

Setting the preferences for the map display.

The note display showing an existing note. This window appears when the user selects the "Note" button or taps on a note symbol on the map. Optionally, it may be configured to appear whenever a note is triggered.

GPS monitor display showing, time, position, GPS mode and DOP figures, satellite list and apparent motion.

Subsequently, development of FieldMap and FieldNote software switched to the Personal Java platform, using the Jeode VM on Compaq Ipaq (PocketPC) and Fujitsu Zaurus (Linux) devices. Further information on these can be found in the Kent UbiComp Group pages.

Why there is no FieldNote for Palm

The first prototypes of the waba program ran reasonably well on a Palm. Unfortunately, as the program grew it reached the point where it needed more processor and memory resources than the Palm could provide. Recent versions still run, but the batteries would be flat before they would do anything useful.

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Created by Jason Pascoe
and Nick Ryan
Copyright © 1996-2003
Email: JasonPascoe@acm.org
Email: N.S.Ryan@kent.ac.uk
Created: 17th June 1998
Last Updated: 3rd August 2003