This is the map description block for the "ME" map. If you are intending to make new maps with yur own cutting you should se this as a sample. thisView.MapList := [ // first map in package { // map name for display Name : "Europe", // comment as displayed in "theTextView" Comment : "Europe middle-west", // pointer to map data theBits : BMAP_1, // map scale (1:50000) Scale : 4500000, // scanner resolution in dots per inch Resolution : 203, // is ROUND (Scale / Resolution) ScaleFactor : 22167, // coordinate style of map ('SQUARE, 'CONE) Type : 'CONE, // map structure version (always 1 for this template version) Version : 1, // get coefficients from map calculator and insert here C_X : [ 3.6300000000E+02, 1.9400000000E+01, 0.0000000000E+00, 1.9230000000E+02, -2.2050000000E+00, 3.0000000000E-03, 4.0000000000E-01, -1.1500000000E-02, 1.0000000000E-04], C_Y : [ 8.7430000000E+03, 3.0050000000E+01, -1.5500000000E-01, -1.4210000000E+02, -4.6000000000E-01, -2.9000000000E-02, -2.0000000000E-02, 2.0000000000E-03, 4.0000000000E-04], C_Long : [-2.0482048431E+01, 4.7609692977E-03, -4.5040883639E-07, 1.2501694327E-02, -1.6178398650E-06, 1.1788604679E-10, 4.8600229844E-07, -2.0807168898E-10, 3.2187316530E-14], C_Lat : [ 5.8127951855E+01, 2.7721077853E-03, -5.9496192365E-07, -6.3609966305E-03, -3.4582966034E-07, 4.5133055239E-11, -4.6195455558E-08, 4.6977388476E-12, 9.6561949591E-15], A : 5.3, // geographic limits for map ('CONE type only) Lat_top : NIL, Lat_bottom : NIL, Long_left : NIL, Long_right : NIL, // geographic default position for loading map Def_Lat : 50.0, Def_Long : 0.0 } ]