SpeedBump is a new card-based racing game for the Newton! Race your car against the Newton to win 700- or 1000-mile races. Play multiple races to win the 5000-point game/tournament. The unique Driving Coach feature (shown above) lets you get started fast, without needing to read a rulebook! Play the game to be the first to reach 700 miles! Your 7 cards are at the bottom. The progress bars show you how far you have yet to go. Player cards and scores are shown on the left side of the screen, Newton cards are shown on the right side. The Draw Card pile shows how many cards are left in the deck. The game was given a very compact screen size to allow all Newton handhelds to usethe game without difficulty. Unique graphics at the end of a race were made on a Newton using NewtPaint!!! Compare your score with that of your Newton opponent! See if you can keep the super-intelligent Newton drivers from out-racing humankind! SpeedBump is free for everyone. It runs on all Newton devices (including OMPs)! It is currently in public beta, meaning it currently has some bugs and there are more features planned for the game in the future. SpeedBump takes up 200 KB of space on your Newton (older Newtons will definitely need to use a storage card). You can download SpeedBump in .sit or .zip format below: Or download each file individually (option-click or right button-click to download .pkg and .txt files to Mac or Windows computers): |
LAST UPDATED: 27 February 2004 SPEEDBUMP BETA 1--SpeedBump Beta 1 can be downloaded at either of the two links below: Or download the 3 individual files here (option-click or right button-click to download the .pkg and .txt files to Mac or Windows computers): The Macintosh download is in .sit format. The Windows download is in .zip format. SpeedBump is free! It works on all Newton devices. You need 200 KB of free memory on your Newton to install SpeedBump. It should work on *any* Newton device with enough free storage space. If you have any trouble downloading or installing the application, or if you have any bug reports, suggestions, or commentary, please contact me by e-mail at: daedalus_at_digitalinkwell.net (Please remove the _at_ and replace with @ when emailing.) DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS--Beta 2 is currently under development. Planned new features and enhancements in Beta 2 include: --Add a game manual that is accessible from the "Help" option in the Info button. --Clean up the Driving Coach so that it doesn't interrupt the game so frequently and it is scheduled more effectively. --Fix bugs. There is currently no time schedule for release of Beta 2. The following additional gameplay features are expected to be added, either in Beta 2 or a later Beta version. These features are meant to add a bit of longevity and challenge to future versions of the game: --High scores --Championship tournaments |
Copyright © 2002-2003, P. Arthur and M. Kaprelian. MissLiberty image Copyright © 2003, L. Arthur. All rights reserved. |